The inaugural cohort consists of eight research grantees (including research consortia and individual organizations), working in 18 countries within the Global South. Ranging from early detection and containment, to mitigation and forecasting, their work will cover a range of components related to harnessing AI and data innovation for COVID-19 responses and recovery.

The Role of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Data Systems in Response to Current & Future Pandemics
The Role of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Data Systems in Response to Current & Future Pandemics
Scientific Evidence to Make Decisions in the COVID-19 Pandemic in COLOMBIA
ACADIC Chief Counsel Barrister Jake Okechukwu Effoduh Talks About AI Ethics in Healthcare
Meet Camila Engler - Bioinformatics Student at the Universidad Nacional de Entre Ríos
COVID-19 Health Chatbot. Chatbot Team, COAST Project, Uganda
Health Observation Modeling to Inform Policy. Modeling & Air Quality Team, COAST Project, Uganda
¿Cómo usar esta herramienta?
AI4COVID Research Overview: INSPIRE-PEACH, Africa
COVID-19 2nd Anniversary: Reflections from AI4COVID, Sri Lanka - Malaysia
COVID-19 2nd Anniversary: Reflections from ACADIC, Africa
COVID-19 2nd Anniversary: Reflections from LAISDAR, Rwanda
COVID-19 2nd Anniversary: Reflections from ARPHAI, Argentina
COVID-19 2nd Anniversary: Reflections from COAST, Uganda
COVID-19 2nd Anniversary: Reflections from COLEV, Colombia
AI4COVID Research Overview: LAISDAR, Rwanda
AI4COVID Research Overview: ARPHAI, Argentina
AI4COVID Research Overview: ACADIC, Africa
AI4COVID Research Overview: Colev, Colombia
AI4COVID Research Overview: Sri Lanka & Malaysia

Predictive modeling and forecasting of the transmission of COVID-19 in Africa using Artificial Intelligence


Botswana, Cameroon, Mozambique, Namibia, Nigeria, Rwanda, South Africa, Zimbabwe

Lead Organization:

York University

Uses of AI in the fight against COVID-19 in Senegal and Mali: Adaptability to the local context and social acceptability for ethical and responsible AI


Mali, Senegal

Lead Organization:

Université Cheikh Anta DIOP (UCAD), Faculté Lettres et Sciences Humaines (FLSH), Département de Sociologie

Leveraging Artificial Intelligence and Data Science Techniques in Harmonizing, Sharing, Accessing and Analysing SARS-COV-2/COVID-19 Data in Rwanda



Lead Organization:

University of Rwanda

Harnessing heterogeneous COVID-19 data, to build a data hub and apply artificial intelligence (AI) and data science to support public health and economic decision makings in Kenya and Malawi


Kenya and Malawi

Lead Organization:

African Population and Health Research Center (APHRC)

End-to-end AI and data systems for targeted surveillance and management of COVID-19 and future pandemics affecting Uganda (COAST)



Lead Organization:

Makerere University

Artificial Intelligence framework for threat assessment and containment for COVID-19 and future epidemics while mitigating the socio-economic impact to women, children, and underprivileged groups


Malaysia, Sri Lanka

Lead Organization:

University of Peradeniya

A mixed-methods study on the design of AI and data science-based strategies to inform public health responses to COVID-19 in different local health ecosystems within Colombia (COLEV)



Lead Organization:

Universidad de los Andes

AI and Data Science for early detection of potential epidemic and pandemic outbreaks after COVID-19: Implementation of a scalable strategy of electronic, gender-inclusive and socially responsible medical records in Argentina



Lead Organization:

Centro Interdisciplinario de Estudios en Ciencia, Tecnología e Innovación (CIECTI)